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❑ Analogy (Logical Reasoning) - MCQs

These are four options provided for the answers of the question only one option is right answer. You have to click any of the option to check your answer. You can also directly see the answer from the answer link below. if you want to see explaination of the answer you can click discuss link.


If "Nephew" is related to "Niece" in the same way as "Stag" is related to

  • A. Lioness
  • B. Doe
  • C. Niece
  • D. Bee

If "Insects" is related to "entomology" in the same way as "birds" is related to

  • A. Botany
  • B. Zoology
  • C. Ornithology
  • D. Oology

ACE : FHJ : : OQS : ?

  • A. TVX
  • B. TUW
  • C. UWX
  • D. STU

IF "EFGH" is related to "VUTS", in the same way "BCD" is related to

  • A. YXW
  • B. YXU
  • C. ZYW
  • D. PON

ZBD : AGI : : OQS :

  • A. PRZ
  • B. TVX
  • C. UWX
  • D. XZA

BF : KP : : MQ : ?

  • A. TY
  • B. PT
  • C. FJ
  • D. AB