free website stats program Drug Store and Business Management MCQs - Pharmacy Allopathy

❑ Drug Store and Business Management (Pharmacy Allopathy) - MCQs

These are four options provided for the answers of the question only one option is right answer. You have to click any of the option to check your answer. You can also directly see the answer from the answer link below. if you want to see explaination of the answer you can click discuss link.


Which of the following is the function of a clearing and forwarding agent?

  • A. To submit the sales tax and other returns to the respective authorities before due date
  • B. To collect the returned good from the maket and arrange for replacement as per the policies of the company
  • C. To purchase goods from super distributor and sell to smaller territory
  • D. To maintain adequate stocks of the entire range of products marketed by the company

NONLIN' is a programme which predicts.

  • A. Stock position and shelf life
  • B. Batch number and date of expiry
  • C. Utilisation and date of expiry
  • D. Pharmacokinetic parameters

The main ingredient of universal antidote is

  • A. Calcium carbonate
  • B. Magnesium carbonate
  • C. Magnesium sulphate
  • D. Activated charcoal

The route of drug administration that is considered to provide complete (100%) bio availability is

  • A. P.O
  • B. I.D.
  • C. I.M
  • D. I.V

The route of drug administration that will give the most rapid onset of the pharmacological effect is

  • A. I.M.
  • B. I.V.
  • C. P.O
  • D. S.C.

Ames test uses as carcinogen indicator is

  • A. Bacteria
  • B. Fungi
  • C. Virus
  • D. Chylamidia