
Indentify the part of human stomach which connects/ joins oesophagus-

  • A. Fundus
  • B. Cardia
  • C. Body
  • D. Fundus

Right Answer is :
✓ D. Fundus
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Prince Stanley-Nwokoji
Prince Stanley-Nwokoji on 14-02-22 12:40 am


Zehra Banoo
Zehra Banoo on 24-06-22 6:11 pm

Option a and d both are fundus

Prathiba Sivakumar
Prathiba Sivakumar on 18-02-23 7:13 pm

The cardia is connected to the esophagus and is where the food first enters the stomach. The fundus follows the cardia and is a bulbous, dome-shaped, superior portion of the stomach.So ANSWER "B"


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