
Schedule to which "List of drugs to be sold on prescription only' belong to

  • A. Schedule-L
  • B. Schedule-W
  • C. Schedule-X
  • D. Schedule-M

Right Answer is :
✓ A. Schedule-L
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Rashmiranjan Dash
Rashmiranjan Dash on 28-06-22 12:28 am

Answer is Scheduled H


Satyaban Nayak
Satyaban Nayak on 24-04-23 11:54 am

Shedul H

Priti Thakur
Priti Thakur on 03-04-23 11:50 pm

Shedule L is related to GLP

Arti Kumari
Arti Kumari on 21-02-24 7:44 pm

According to question the answer should be schedule H, but from the given option the correct option is schedule X


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